About ccvfd
Who are we?
We're your neighbors.
Clear Creek Volunteer Fire Department was founded in 1976 as Clear Creek Area Patrol. Being in a remote mountain community, the volunteer founders decided that "someone needs to do it". Today, when the pager goes off at 2:00 A.M., we're at home, in bed, and jumping up to run towards the danger that everyone should be running away from.
There's an expectation that public safety "just happens" when you dial 9-1-1. In this remote area, it doesn't happen without your neighbors. We're happy to do it. We just cannot do it without your support.
what do we do?
Our primary objective: To protect life and property.
Structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, rescue, air ambulance landing zones, EMS address assist, traffic control, and mutual aid are just some of the activities for which our first responders are responsible. We train regularly to become proficient in carrying out our duties on an incident.
When lightning strikes a tree out in the forest, government firefighting agencies are coming. However, this is our backyard, and we'll be on-scene in minutes when the professionals are an hour away or more.
Our protection area includes areas of Grimes Creek, Clear Creek, Pine Creek, and Mack's Creek.
We also provide mutual aid for our partner departments on this side of the county, who serve communities just like ours.
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart." - Elizabeth Andrew